Sunday, January 29, 2012


It's no secret that I am a big, big Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles fan.  I started with the cartoons with I was a kid, moved into the movies as they were released, and now, I'm reading the comics.

Of course, my interest in the characters and story goes much deeper than that.  I own all the usual toys a kid would own: action figures and such.  My collection over the years has grown way beyond that, though.  It now includes everything from house shoes to mugs and trading cards to radios.  This blog isn't about my collection, though.  It's about the newly rebooted TMNT comic series by IDW.  

The story has been told and retold.  The story from the original comic series by Eastman and Laird was the source material for the cartoon series, but the writers of the show played with the lore a little.  Then, when the first film was released, it played a mix of the original comic series and the ongoing TV show, but made things more grounded and gritty.  

This new series is definitely more on the side of realistic.  We're being introduced to new characters, old characters in new roles, hint drops at things to come, twists on character origins, etc.  The best thing is: I love all of the twists that are being thrown at us.  They are very clever.  It's not like the writers are going out of their way to make things different; the story just works SO well the way they're putting it together.  

So, if you haven't read any of these, yet, pick one up ASAP.  The series is only up to issue six at this point.  You're not too far behind.  It's the only comic I buy that I can't wait until next month to get my hands on the next issue.  

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