Saturday, June 25, 2011

Happy 27th me!

Today, I am twenty-seven.  I can't really believe it.  Time has passed so quickly over the last few years.  I'm only three years away from thirty, and that seems like such a big a way.  At the same time, I don't see why people make such a big noise when it comes to getting older.  I mean it's all part of it, right?  

I have come to the realization that I am the bachelor out of my group of friends.  Don't get me wrong, there are other friends of mine that are single, but I'm really the bachelor.  I DJ, play music (the drums of all things), plan concerts, work a day job at a video game store, own a motorcycle and generally act and spend money like I don't have anyone to support other than myself.  Mainly, it's because I don't.  A lot of people younger than me are married, and I'm more than happy for those of my friends who are; however, I can't imagine myself in that position.  A lot people say that it's because I haven't met that one person that is going to make me think that way, but I'm not completely on board with that theory.  I digress...

Despite the fact that I still live like a very single guy for the most part, I find that in comparison other people my age in the same situation, I'm much more mature than they are.  I spend a lot of money on non-necessities, but I make sure I pay all the things I have to pay first, put part of my check in my savings account on and so on...  I have realized that thirty isn't nearly as "grown-up" as I once believed it to be.  Watching how myself and my friends still act (married or not) we still tell the same kinds of jokes, laugh at the same kinds of things, geek out about stuff, want to go to theme parks, stay up too late and generally act like we're still kids a lot of the time.  The best part: I THINK THAT'S TOTALLY OK!  I shouldn't want to grow up so fast.  I don't! 

So, being twenty-seven, I have started to think about the things I want to do with my life.  I have made a sort of "bucket list".  Most of the things on my list are very attainable.  It really started as a list of things I wanted to do this summer.  It's grown beyond that point, though.  I have accomplished several of those things.  I'm still working on several as well.  I don't have any long term plans, and I don't have any idea about a career.  I do know how I want to be remembered and what I want to accomplish in my personal life.  I don't have any idea "what I want to be", but I'm really not all that worried about it.  I know WHO I want to be, and I think that's a lot more important. 

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